Wednesday 16 March 2016

Blacks are the most wicked people on this earth that's why we are poor..

Horror in Cameroun as woman removed twins babies from dead body sister after doctors refused to touch her. This is sad and pathetic.
A woman went to the Laquintinie Hospital Doula in Cameroun on the 13th March 2016 (Sunday) to deliver, the Doctors rejected her and denied her to enter the hospital because she did not have money, she died after several hours without medical attention outside the entrance of the hospital, her sister who was working in the hospital cried and could not afford to loss the twins babies inside the dead sister womb, the sister of the deceased decided to do the surgery herself to remove the twins babies with a razor blade without medical experience, people around the hospital were shocked because they knew she was not a Doctor but a staff of the hospital, she did the surgery, one of the twins babies died instanctly, the other came out alive but later died after some few hours?

Following the unfortunate incident, social media went wild with accusations that the women died due to the negligence of La Qunintinie hospital. The Minister of Public Health Andre Mama Fouda in a press conference on Sunday clarified the situation noting that the 31 year old women who was seven months pregnant died before reaching the hospital.
"It’s very very difficult when a pregnant woman dies and Cameroon lost one pregnant woman on Saturday 12th March 2016. In fact this pregnant woman went to a public health facility on Friday, 11th March and that was her first consultation after seven months. She received the medical planning, then on Saturday 12th March, she died. We don't know exactly where she died but at 8 am in the morning, the family arrived with her at the Nylon District Hospital and asked the doctor if he can carry out an operation to remove the foetus? The Doctor said no because it is not within the possibility of the district hospital.

After that the family continued with her to La Quintinie hospital. They arrived the emergency ward, and in the emergency that they were told that issues concerning pregnancy should be taken to the maternity.

At the maternity, the midwife and the major noticed that the woman had died since a long time ago and it’s not possible to continue to do anything and advised the family to conduct the pregnant woman to the mortuary.

At the mortuary, one personnel with another woman thought that it will not be possible again to save the foetus. At this stage, they went back again to the maternity word, but the maternity word, the midwife said that it is no possible because you cannot have the foetus alive when the mother is dead.

At this moment one personnel of the mortuary with one woman who accompanied this pregnant woman decided to open her stomach and remove the foetus.

It’s a horrible act and Cameroon is very very sad with this. I will inform you that the security forces continue to survey the midwife, the major, the woman and the personnel of the mortuary. I will say that, it is not a problem of negligence in the district hospital of Nylon or La Quantinie hospital in Douala.  This problem is terrible and together we continue to survey and we will have all aspects of this problem for the near future".

Immediately after the incident the Attorney General of Douala ordered the arrest of midwife, the major, the woman carried out the operation and the personnel of the mortuary who are currently helping in investigations.
The Governor of the Littoral Region, Samual Dieudonne Ivaha Diboua held security meeting with officials of laquinitie hospital and placed the hospital under security surveillance.
Images taken during the operation has provoked mixed reactions on social media. In the meantime investigations are ongoing.

Credit: Elvis Teke

Photo: CulturEbene

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